(Not in any particular order)
1. Long Term Costs of Landscaping
a. Mowing, trimming, pre-emergent & weed removal
2. Impact of Landscaping Change
a. All at once - assessment
b. Over time - dues increase
c. Runway/taxiway closures
d. Dirt & Dust
3. Conservation of water as a resource
4. Aesthetics of Landscaping
a. Flying/Exercising around runway
b. Resale value of property
5. Water Costs
a. Irrigation Water
b. Sprinkler Water
6. Corrosion of runway lights
7. Bird hazard to flying
8. Effects of water on runway/taxiway
9. Aircraft Safety concern for rock
10. Habitat Change of Rock - Bugs/Scorpions?
11. Cooler Temperatures of Grass / Hotter temperatures of Rock or ?????