Advantages of Rock

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A significant part of our budget is dedicated to landscaping costs.  

While we could hope to reduce these costs by whatever means our collective and creative minds might find, it is hard to imagine reducing these costs below what we now pay.   

An increase in dues will probably be necessary to maintain our landscaping. 

This increased cost would require a vote to go above the 3% annual increase allowed in the by laws. 

Corrosion of Runway Lights by Sprinkler System

Water near the runway lights has led to corrosion and increased maintenance costs.  The corrosion is not limited to the outside, but also the wires inside and the bolts sealing the top plate.  Repairing the light after the wires have corroded to failure almost always results in replacement of the bolts and all pipe members that are seized together.  While sprinklers will also lead to a buildup of water deposits on the globe, evidence points to the added corrosion as mentioned above.

Elimination of the sprinklers would reduce a majority of the corrosion that must now be dealt with.  Another solution would be to buy more corrosion resistance lights.

Below is a runway light not sprayed by sprinklers (No Corrosion)

Birds are attracted to the grass and water

Birds are dangerous to turbine aircraft.
Below a turkey vulture on the runway eating another dead bird.